An Adaptive Reuse Case Study: From All Business, All the Time, to Live-Work-Play

  • Room: ACC North, 200 Level, Room 253C
Wednesday, May 24, 2023: 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM



Single Presenter
Jacob Schwartz
Urban Coastal Development, Inc


When do two real estate pain-points collide and add up to bigtime opportunity? (1) The future-of-work arrives ahead of schedule, disrupting commercial real estate. (2) An undersupply of homes of all types plagues almost every market. Solutions to adapt offices and retail to residences – economically, sustainably, and aesthetically – emerge as a latter-2020s real estate Manifest Destiny. Learn the essentials – product design, engineering, automation, project management, and construction – from a master planner and a reality-checked world-class use case. Apply epic and replicable learnings to your own adaptive reuse project opportunities.