CBIA Professional Women in Building Brunch

  • Room: ACC North, 200 Level, Keynote Ballroom
Thursday, May 25, 2023: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Liz Bohannon
Founder and CEO
Sseko Designs


Liz Bohannon, Founder of Sseko Designs

Beginner’s Pluck: How to Build a Life of Purpose and Impact

We often dismiss a newcomer’s success by calling it beginner’s luck. But what if their beginner’s mindset is the very thing that positioned them to succeed? What a beginner may lack in experience, track record, know-how, and connections, they make up in nerve, curiosity, spirit, courage, and a willingness to acknowledge they don’t have it all figured out. Bestselling author and entrepreneur Liz Bohannon calls this “Beginner’s Pluck.” In this dynamic, high-energy keynote, she’ll debunk many of the commonly held beliefs about business and personal success, explaining why a beginner’s mindset is the key to finding creative solutions to our biggest challenges. Get ready to embrace your Inner Beginner, dream small, choose curiosity over criticism, shake yourself out of analysis paralysis, and focus on creating your passion rather than waiting for it to find you.

Liz Bohannon is founder and CEO of Sseko Designs, a socially conscious fashion brand that works to educate and empower women across the globe. Recognized by Forbes as a top 20 business speaker and named by John Maxwell as one of the top three transformational leaders in the US, Liz and the Sseko story have been featured on Shark Tank, Good Morning America, Bloomberg Businessweek, Vogue magazine, and others.

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