Beyond Buyer Profiles & Demographics: How Homebuyers Want to Buy and Why

  • Room: ACC North, 200 Level, Room 256
Thursday, May 25, 2023: 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM



Barbara Wray
Senior Vice President Strategic Growth
Wick Marketing
Susan Baier
Founder and President
Audience Audit, Inc.


Today’s volatile market is ever shifting, impacting both the math and psychology of your potential buyers. It’s no time to get caught short on the data you need to position yourself for them the moment they’re ready. In the spring of 2023, Wick Marketing will field a quantitative research study of hundreds of prospective homebuyers across the US, as well as buyers who have purchased since May 2022. Goal: Understand, with statistically significant data, the attitudes and perceptions of homebuyers around choosing a builder and purchasing a new home in today’s marketplace. In this session, you can be among the very first to tap into these decision insights – whom they trust and distrust, where they go for guidance, how they choose a builder or rather work with a real estate agent, and what they consider their non-negotiables.

Learning Objectives

1. Not all buyers are alike, and attendees will learn how different buyers think differently.
2. Attendees will learn how buyer attitudes affect their preferences, goals and concerns.
3. Actionable insights will help attendees know how to better reach, resonate with, and convert their ideal prospects.
4. Attendees will be given access to a full interactive visualization of the research results that they can explore, filter and use to support their marketing and sales efforts.