Anaheim Convention Center
June 19-20, 2024

Wildfire Resiliency

In the face of escalating wildfire threats, the need for innovative solutions in design, land planning, and fire-resilient building methods and materials has never been more critical. Join us for a one-day event
dedicated to advancing wildfire resiliency, bringing together builders, developers, architects, building
scientists, and public agencies. In addition to presentations from top experts, the program includes a live burn demonstration highlighting the science and performance of noncombustible materials, produced
in partnership with the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety.



Wildfire Resiliency - Sessions & Agenda
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

ACC North, Second Level, Room 252C

9:45 – 10:15am

Creating Safer, More Resilient Communities

Kicking off the day, we’ll hear from California State Fire Marshal Daniel Berlant, who leads one of the largest, most advanced fire prevention agencies in the world. Chief Berlant will share updates on CAL FIRE’s efforts to create safer, more resilient communities, rooted in collaboration with industry, scientists, researchers, and local community groups.

Daniel Berlant, State Fire Marshal, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection


Shuttle bus to IBHS Burn Demonstration – limited attendance – advance signup required.

11:00am – 12:15pm
IBHS Burn Demonstration
In partnership with the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS), PCBC will conduct a live burn demonstration at the state-of-the-art North Net Training Center, a short drive from the convention center. 
Open to a limited number of Max Pass attendees, this burn will demonstrate the science and performance of IBHS’s Wildfire Prepared Home™, which includes both fire-resistant materials and the creation of a noncombustible zone zero perimeter.

12:30 – 1:30pm
Lunch – boxed lunch provided, or sample the food trucks outdoors in the PCBC Plaza

1:30 – 4:30pm
Community-Wide Planning for Wildfire Resiliency
The California Fire Safe Council works with community-based organizations to reduce the risk of wildfire through smarter planning, preparedness and mobilization. In this session, you’ll hear from CFSC leadership—including details about the Firewise USA Program and designation—on the specific steps that communities can take to prevent wildfires from happening, respond more effectively when they do, and contain the spread to surrounding areas.
Jacy Hyde, PhD, Executive Director, California Fire Safe Council
John Morgan, Staff Chief - Wildfire Risk Reduction, CAL FIRE
Building the Wildfire Prepared Home
4.8 million U.S. homes were identified at high or extreme risk of wildfire, with more than two million in California alone. The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) is an independent, nonprofit, scientific research organization helping to find real-world solutions to safety risks. In this session, one of their senior experts will share detailed findings on wildfire mitigation techniques and materials for each component of the home, in addition to explaining in detail the Wildfire Prepared Home Program.
Steven Hawks, Senior Director for Wildfire, Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety

Public Utilities and Wildfire Safety
Public utilities play a significant role in wildfire safety, helping to reduce the risks and threats of today, and creating safer systems for the future. Hear from senior leaders from California’s major utilities about their wildfire preparedness efforts, the steps they’re taking to underground powerlines and address other risk factors, and the changes they’re implementing to enhance safety and reliability.
Andrew Abranches, Sr. Director, Wildfire Preparedness and Operations, PG&E
Nisha Menon, Manager, Wildfire Mitigation Strategy, SDG&E
Ray Fugere, Director, Wildfire Safety, SCE