Incubating Ideas and Leading Up: An Interactive Conversation

  • Room: ACC North, 200 Level, Room 253AB
Thursday, May 25, 2023: 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM


Kyle Scheele
How to Host a Viking Funeral


Led by Kyle Scheele, aka 'the patron saint of crazy ideas,' this unique session is geared to young professionals who are eager to unlock their creative potential to drive innovation. In an interactive workshop format, you'll learn how to identify and incubate your most audacious ideas (and those of your team) and explore ways to bring them to fruition, even when you're not the senior decision maker. You'll also discover how to "lead up" in situations where you want to drive change but need the buy-in of more senior leaders first. Take advantage of this fun, informal, supportive environment to explore new ideas, learn from others, and leave with practical takeaways.