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Wednesday, May 24, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

  • Room: ACC North, 200 Level, Room 256AB
People are pivoting. Indoor and outdoor, livability has taken on new meaning and form. A new set of rules governed by higher-longer interest rates are now shifting what people want, need, and will pay for, as well as what they’ll value timelessly in their home and neighborhood. In this session, our panel of masterplan all-stars will glimpse around the next corner, track the evidence – and together with you – reimagine what planning, design, features, and programming ideas will put you on track to shape the future of placemaking....
Bill Hezmalhalch
WHA Architects & Planners
Denise Ashton
Senior Principal - Planning Studio
WHA Inc.
Kris Maher
Senior Vice President of Community Development
Rancho Mission Viejo
Randall Lewis
Senior Executive Vice President – Marketing
Lewis Management Corporation
  • Conference Max Pass Required

Wednesday, May 24, 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

  • Room: ACC North, 200 Level, Room 258
For years, architects have been given a program by the client, designed a project, and then been told it costs too much to build. What if, rather than value-engineering homes after the fact, we integrated it into the process from the beginning through collaborative design, purchasing and construction? Done well, the result is designs that are attractive, approvable, AND meet the builder's cost target. This panel will explore: the importance of communication and collaboration in creating great design; tips for creating a collaborative environment from the start; design solutions that look good and don’t break the bank; and effective ways... Read More
Donald Ruthroff
Design Story Spaces, LLC
Nicole Summers
Vice President, National Purchasing & Architecture
The New Home Company Inc.
Rebecca McAdoo
Regional President
Garman Homes
  • Conference Max Pass Required

Wednesday, May 24, 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

  • Room: ACC North, 200 Level, Room 253AB
With the "end" of the pandemic, the expected return to "normal" has been anything but. Responding to challenging conditions that include economic, environmental, supply chain, new code and upgraded sustainable design changes can be tough. But we are not going to whine about it: Let's figure out how we are going to take on the challenges and build a smarter future through innovative design concepts, new programming ideas and construction techniques. Our panel of different viewpoints in the industry will showcase creative ideas for more affordable housing solutions that can help cities meet their requirements, will share density alternatives to... Read More
Ron Nestor
Senior Principal
WHA, Inc.
Rob Corbin
Vice President of Operations
Trumark Homes
  • Conference Max Pass Required

Wednesday, May 24, 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

  • Room: ACC North, 200 Level, Room 253C
When do two real estate pain-points collide and add up to bigtime opportunity? (1) The future-of-work arrives ahead of schedule, disrupting commercial real estate. (2) An undersupply of homes of all types plagues almost every market. Solutions to adapt offices and retail to residences – economically, sustainably, and aesthetically – emerge as a latter-2020s real estate Manifest Destiny. Learn the essentials – product design, engineering, automation, project management, and construction – from a master planner and a reality-checked world-class use case. Apply epic and replicable learnings to your own adaptive reuse project opportunities....
Single Presenter
Jacob Schwartz
Urban Coastal Development, Inc
  • Conference Max Pass Required

Wednesday, May 24, 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

  • Room: ACC North, 200 Level, Room 258
Single-family density is always a challenge, but well-crafted plans and community design can yield highly desirable solutions to lifestyle wants and affordability needs. This session will explore the case study of NUVO Parkside, a stylish neighborhood aimed at entry-level/first-time buyers, with careful attention to compact design, walkability and density with dignity. The project team will share their assumptions going in, which ones were right, which ones were wrong, and what they learned along the way. While maintaining all the amenities and design of high-end development, NUVO Parkside shows how the combination of dense housing with smaller footprints can work with... Read More
Mollie Carmichael
Matt Sauls
VP Marketing - S CA Planned Communities
The Lewis Group of Companies
Steven Dewan NCARB
Senior Principal
Bassenian Lagoni Architects
  • Conference Max Pass Required

Thursday, May 25, 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

  • Room: ACC North, 200 Level, Room 253AB
Design thinking, an iterative process in which you seek to understand your users, redefine problems and create innovative solutions, may be considered one of the best ways to create new value in the economy today to adapt to changing consumer demographics, sophistication, priorities, and preferences. Explore how thinking like a “user experience scientist” aligns design as a strategy to discover what is most valuable to your homebuyers as they interact with their physical, psychological, economic, social, and virtual environments. Using a four-step approach of discovery, definition, developing, and delivering design strategy, this discussion between architect, designer, builder, and scholar leads... Read More
Angela Harris
Principal & Creative Director
TRIO Design
Mike Peterson
Visionary Design Marketing
Natalie Ricci
Interior Architectural Design M.F.A candidate
Savannah College of Art and Design
  • Conference Max Pass Required

Thursday, May 25, 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

  • Room: ACC North, 200 Level, Room 256
A new economic backdrop of higher-for-longer interest rates and tighter credit conditions can mean a mid-stream recalibration to price more customers in while you take input costs down. Square footage, spec and finish levels, construction process simplification, it’s all an opportunity area, and so too are program pivots to build-to-rent as a viable option. Our session’s speakers will hit on all cylinders: the data, the ideas, and the construction know-how to execute successfully as you reset your offering for staying power....
William Ramsey
Principal, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP
Deana Vidal
Senior Manager, Trend Consulting
John Burns Real Estate Consulting, LLC
Scott Davis
Division President
Trumark Homes Colorado
  • Conference Max Pass Required