Leader-to-Leader Forum

Tuesday & Wednesday, September 27-28
Omni La Costa Resort and Spa // Carlsbad, California

2022 Leader-to-Leader Forum Sponsors

If you’re looking for help connecting to more homebuyers and want to sell more homes, Bank of America’s National Builder Division is here to help! You’ll get the support of an experienced mortgage lending partner specializing in new residential construction. Visit us at www.bankofamerica.com/builderdivision

Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP was founded with the goal of providing superior and comprehensive legal services to businesses, institutions, and individuals in all aspects of the real estate industry. With over 130 attorneys, Cox Castle is one of the largest full-service firms specializing in real estate in the United States.

As a global leader in at-home appliances, Electrolux strives to shape living for the better by placing the consumer at the heart of everything we do. Through our brands, including Electrolux, Frigidaire, and Vintec, we focus on making life more enjoyable and sustainable for millions of people across the world.

TraceAir is the #1 construction platform for homebuilders and land developers that provides construction analytics during the site work and vertical phases. Our solution allows homebuilders to monitor progress remotely, track dirt balance, verify contractor billing, and collaborate with stakeholders to keep projects on schedule and budget.

When your buyers’ home financing is in place, you can build and sell more homes. Help your customers gain peace of mind in today’s market with a locked-in rate. We'll work with you to find the loan options that meet buyers’ needs for where they are in life. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is an Equal Housing Lender.

Zonda is the industry’s leading provider of data-driven housing market solutions for residential real estate development and new home construction. We are advancing the digitization of the home buying process through products such as Livabl, North America’s largest online new home listings destination. Together, we’re building the future of housing.