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PCBC 2021 Re-Imagined

PCBC Reserve Your Spot

Monday, October 4  - Tuesday, October 5
Omni La Costa Resort and Spa // Carlsbad, California

We’ve gone back to the drawing board to re-design every aspect of our event so that it not only reflects the new realities in 2021 but also offers a fresh and exciting new way to safely gather our PCBC community.

In an intimate, four-star resort setting, we are convening signature events Leader-to-Leader Forum, Land & Capital Conference,and the National Buyers Circle that are designed to bring together different cohorts of top housing professionals for a rich and meaningful exchange of ideas and perspectives.

Attendance at all events will be limited and the experience will be exceptional.

  • Land & Capital Conference (October 4-5)
    Attendance to the conference will be limited to builders, developers, architects and other homebuilding professionals. Registration includes sessions, meals, reception and a few surprises. Fee is $995. Interested in receiving an invitation, contact Mike Sturdivant at

  • National Buyers Circle (October 4-5)
    If you are a manufacturer/service provider that would like to participate at PCBC 2021 Re-Imagined, please email Ann Bivens, Exhibits Director at to learn about our high-value sponsorship opportunities & our signature buyer programs.

PCBC 2021 will not have an exhibit floor. If interested in sponsoring opportunities, please contact Ann Bivens, Exhibits Director at We will return to our traditional tradeshow in June 22-23, 2022 in San Francisco.